Sunday, February 3, 2008

Lovely Laura (I'm back!)

I'm sorry I've been gone for so long. I haven't really been able to work on anything lately because I've been having troubles with my computer; The screen would periodically become scrambled while I was working. When I purchased my computer, I luckily opted for the extended warranty (which ends this month!) While Apple was unable to repair my PowerBook G4, they instead replaced it with a MACBOOK PRO!


While the MacBook Pro does have a few outstanding issues with second life, it runs great under Windows using Boot Camp.

To celebrate my good fortune, I've released Laura. This skin has red eyebrows and it has a few features that some of you have been requesting: improved toes and fingers! I hope you like it.

Also, I shot the ad for this skin using WindLight. Does it look any better?


Wisp Jinn said...

Hey :) Just came by here through Linden Lifestyles.

I just found a way to run SL perfectly without Windows or Bootcamp. If you can login for a minute from OSX (before it crashes :P), just turn on the debug menu, go to debug settings and scroll down to UseOclussion and set it to false. That's it!

I just got a new MacBook and it worked like a charm for me. If you can't log in at all there's another way to do this. Now I just need to figure out how to replace the page up/down buttons on Windows for flying and panning the camera :P

Stephen Lightworker said...

Thanks for the Tip, wisp! I'm glad there's a fix.